
Bharti, P. Drogui, R.D. Tyagi, Effect of pH variation on landfill leachate treatment using crude microbial exopolysaccharide

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R. Souidi, C. Vaneekhaute, P. A. Vanrolleghem, Nutrient recovery in water resource recovery facilities –The need for physico-chemical models.

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J. Cerutti, I. Abi-zeid, L. Lamontagne, R. Lavoie, M. Rodriguez, Facing water quality issues with land-use planning actions: acase-based reasoning (CBR) application for source water protection

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Daniel Gerrior, Farid Sayedin, Matthew Eckelman, Azadeh Kermanshahi-pour, and Satinder Kaur Brar, Life cycle assessment of a corn ethanol refinery in comparison to a novel biorefinery.

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