Ensuring access to a sufficient supply of high-quality water is a growing challenge as pollution and climate change take their toll. Deterioration of water qual
One of the strengths of the CREATE TEDGIEER program is based on a solid research team bringing together complementary expertise and high caliber researchers. It
Under the FONCER-TEDGIEER program, co-applicants and collaborators strive to combine applied research and basic research, as evidenced by their scientific publi
In order to succeed in their scientific and professional career, students / trainees will need solid knowledge and in-depth technical skills. The TEDGIEER progr
The program in Environmental Decontamination Technologies and Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (TEDGIEER) was established to train that new generation of professionals.
Resulting from a close collaboration between university and industry, this multidisciplinary training program will enable registered students to acquire and develop their skills in both fondamental and applied research, in order to provide concrete solutions to current environmental problems.
During a six-year period (2017-2023), this program receives funding of more than $1.6 million from the Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
L’école d’été du programme FONCER-TEDGIEER a été un franc succès, offrant aux étudiant.es une expérience inoubliable et enrichissante ! Nous sommes ravis de partager les détails des cours [read more]
La première partie d’école d’été TEDGIEER a pris fin aujourd’hui avec succès ! Pour cette 5-ème édition, plusieurs professeurs de renom de diverses universités de l’Amérique du nord, de l’Europe et [read more]
Le programme FONCER TEDGIEER est ravi de participer à l’Expo-Sciences Autochtone qui a eu lieu du 21 au 23 mars à l’Université Laval. L’objectif de cet événement est de promouvoir les sciences et [read more]